The Darketypes™: UNLEASHED

8-Week Portal of Transformative Kink

Welcome to The Darketypes™: UNLEASHED

Buckle up and join us as we plunge into the captivating realm of The Darketypes™, where ancient shamanic practices, spiritual traditions, neo tantra, and the allure of kink intertwine to create a provocative pathway to radical transformation.

In this introductory course, led by the magnetic and mysterious Liliana Coventina, you'll have the opportunity to peel back the layers of your psyche, embrace your shadow selves, and unleash the full spectrum of your sexual energy.

Whether you're a seasoned practitioner looking to spice things up or a curious beginner eager to dip your toes into uncharted waters, this course promises to deliver a delectable blend of invaluable insights and powerful tools to elevate your relationships and ignite your internal harmony.

Are you ready to embrace your inner freak and activate your fullest sexual potential? Join visionary kink educator, Liliana Coventina for The Darketypes™ - a sizzling 8-week journey into conscious kink and shadow integration. Buckle up buttercup, it's about to get juicy...

Over these provocative 8 weeks, you will:

  • Discover your unique transformative kink blueprint and hidden desires.

  • Learn powerful rituals to transmute shame into ecstasy

  • Master the energetics of domination and submission

  • Alchemize past wounds into orgasmic superpowers

  • Embody the full spectrum of your sexual archetypes

  • Rewrite your sexual story and reclaim your pleasure


The Darketypes™ - UNLEASHED
For 2 months
One time

✓ Over 20 hours of video content
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ A Community of Transformative Kinksters (Deviants)

Under the guidance of the enigmatic and alluring Liliana Coventina, you'll have the chance to:

  • Immerse yourself in weekly 20-minute kink rituals designed to awaken your senses and ignite your inner fire.

  • Engage in a 60-minute weekly group integration call, where you'll receive feedback, share your experiences, insights, and breakthroughs with a community of like-minded explorers.

  • Dive deep into your psyche with thought-provoking daily practice & digital journal prompts that will encourage you to confront your shadows, embrace your desires, and uncover hidden truths.

  • Indulge in tantalizing HomePlay activities, carefully crafted for solo, partnered, or group play, allowing you to apply your newfound knowledge and unleash your sexual creativity in a safe and consensual manner.

"Embark on a transformative journey into the depths of your psyche with The Darketypes™: Unleash Your Power.

Through a alchemical blend of embodiment practices, shadow work, energetic attunements, and conscious kink, this course will provide the tools and teachings to support your growth. Leave behind societal conditioning and step into the power of your authentic erotic essence.

Whether you're a seasoned practitioner yearning to stretch your edges or a curious newcomer eager to taste the forbidden fruits of self-discovery, this course promises to deliver a delectable feast of invaluable insights and powerful tools. You'll learn to harness the full spectrum of your sexual energy, elevate your relationships, and ignite a fierce internal harmony that will leave you feeling more alive, authentic, and erotically empowered than ever before.

So, if you're ready to take a walk on the wild side and embrace the untamed, unapologetic essence of your being, join us on this sizzling journey of self-discovery. But be warned: this tantalizing adventure is not for the faint of heart, but for those daring enough to confront their deepest desires, shatter their limitations, and emerge as the most radically authentic and sexually liberated version of themselves. Are you ready to unleash your inner fire?

Join us for this transformational descent into the depths of your soul.

Embark on a transformative journey into the depths of your sexuality and beyond


Embark on a transformative journey into the depths of your sexuality and beyond -

If you’re like me, you’re interested in kink because you want to:

  • The Brat Darketype™ is your key to reconnecting with your inner rebellious teen spirit and unleashing its transformative power. By embodying The Brat, you tap into a wellspring of youthful energy, creativity, and fearlessness. You give yourself permission to question authority, challenge the status quo, and break free from suffocating societal expectations. The Brat empowers you to take risks, express yourself boldly, and pursue your passions with wild abandon. Why should you care about embracing your inner Brat? Because it's a catalyst for personal growth, self-discovery, and living life on your own terms. The Brat helps you shatter self-imposed limitations, overcome fears, and boldly carve your own unique path. By channeling the rebellious teen spirit, you reclaim your autonomy, ignite your zest for life, and inspire others to do the same. So go ahead - unleash your inner Brat and let it fuel your journey towards a more authentic, daring, and fulfilling existence.

  • The Brat Darketype™ empowers you to boldly and unapologetically speak your truth. By channeling the brat's rebellious energy, you find the courage to express yourself authentically without fear of judgment or disapproval. The brat gives you permission to assert your needs, desires, and boundaries clearly and directly. You learn to trust your inner voice and stand up for what you believe in, even if it goes against societal norms or expectations. Embracing the brat helps you break free from people-pleasing tendencies and prioritize your own truth. Through embodying The Brat Darketype™, you develop the confidence to communicate your thoughts and feelings openly and honestly, without apology or hesitation.

  • The Sadist Darketype™ is a potent force that allows you to harness your intensity and power to create transformative change and conquer challenges. By embracing The Sadist within, you tap into a deep reservoir of strength, determination, and unwavering focus. The Sadist empowers you to channel your energy and passion into overcoming obstacles and breaking through barriers that stand in your way. You learn to wield your power with precision and purpose, using it to drive positive change and achieve your goals. The Sadist helps you develop an unshakable resilience and the ability to push through discomfort and adversity. By embracing the intensity of The Sadist, you become a formidable force, capable of taking bold actions and making tough decisions when necessary. You learn to trust your instincts, stand firm in your convictions, and fearlessly pursue your vision for a better world. Channeling The Sadist Darketype™ enables you to harness your inner power, overcome obstacles, and create lasting change in your life and the lives of others.

  • The Sadist Darketype™ empowers you to embrace radical honesty and fearlessly express your deepest truths and desires. By channeling The Sadist energy, you develop the courage to confront reality head-on and speak your mind without fear of judgment or repercussions. The Sadist helps you shed the mask of people-pleasing and societal expectations, allowing you to authentically show up as your true self. You learn to communicate your needs, boundaries, and desires with unwavering clarity and conviction. The Sadist gives you permission to own your intensity and unapologetically express your passions and preferences. By embracing The Sadist archetype, you develop the strength to have difficult conversations, challenge the status quo, and advocate for your beliefs. You become a beacon of truth, inspiring others to also live and speak authentically. Channeling The Sadist Darketype™ empowers you to express yourself with radical honesty, stand in your power, and create a life that aligns with your deepest desires and truths.

  • Embodying the Domme Darketype™ is like putting on a superhero cape that supercharges your life force and aligns it with your deepest purpose and vision. When you tap into your inner Domme energy, you become the ultimate boss of your own life - commanding attention, respect, and the unwavering loyalty of the universe itself. With a fierce and playful spirit, you confidently strut through life, knowing that your desires are not just mere wishes, but divine decrees that the cosmos can't help but obey. As you embrace your Domme power, you'll find that obstacles bow down before you, opportunities eagerly present themselves, and your wildest dreams become your everyday reality. So go ahead, slip into that Domme persona, and let the world experience the electrifying force of your life purpose in action!

  • Embodying the Domme Darketype™ is like igniting a powerful catalyst within yourself that harnesses your energy for profound healing and transformation. When you embrace your inner Domme, you become a master alchemist, skillfully transmuting past wounds, limiting beliefs, and stagnant patterns into pure gold. With a perfect blend of compassion and unwavering strength, you create a sacred space where deep healing can occur – both for yourself and those lucky enough to be in your presence. As you wield your Domme energy with grace and intention, you'll find that old traumas dissolve, self-imposed barriers crumble, and a newfound sense of wholeness and vitality emerges. Your very essence becomes a beacon of transformative light, guiding others to unlock their own hidden potential and step into their most radiant, empowered selves. So go ahead, embody that Domme Darketype™, and watch as your energy becomes a potent elixir for healing, growth, and boundless transformation!

  • Embark on an exhilarating adventure of self-exploration and personal growth with The Darketypes™, where you'll embrace the full spectrum of your light and shadow through captivating HomePlay activities designed to push your boundaries. Immerse yourself in a supportive community of like-minded individuals who will guide and encourage you as you navigate the uncharted territories of your psyche. Through these thought-provoking exercises, you'll confront your fears, shatter limiting beliefs, and emerge as a bold, unapologetic version of yourself. Get ready to experience a newfound sense of freedom, confidence, and erotic empowerment as you dive deep into the realms of your untapped potential. Join The Darketypes™ today and embark on a transformative journey that will forever change the way you perceive yourself and your sexuality.

  • The Darketypes™ offers a groundbreaking approach to embracing your authentic self and unleashing your innate sensuality. By exploring the hidden aspects of your psyche and integrating them into your conscious awareness, you'll develop a profound sense of self-acceptance and tap into a well of erotic energy that will revolutionize your intimate life. Don't settle for a muted existence – descend into the shadows and emerge as a radiant, empowered being. Discover the secrets of The Darketypes™ and unlock a world of unimaginable pleasure and personal growth.

  • The Darketypes™ offers a groundbreaking approach to embracing your authentic self and unleashing your innate sensuality. By exploring the hidden aspects of your psyche and integrating them into your conscious awareness, you'll develop a profound sense of self-acceptance and tap into a well of erotic energy that will revolutionize your intimate life. Don't settle for a muted existence – descend into the shadows and emerge as a radiant, empowered being. Discover the secrets of The Darketypes™ and unlock a world of unimaginable pleasure and personal growth.

  • Boop boop

  • The Submissive teaches you

Is it time to UNLEASH?


Replays only

The Darketypes™ - UNLEASHED
For 2 months
One time

Deviate from the status quo with Liliana Coventina in "The Darketypes™" for an eight-week immersive experience designed for personal transformation through shamanic kink. Explore and integrate the masochist, dominant, submissive, brat, whore, and sadist within, master energy dynamics, and uncover deep-seated desires. Dive into rituals, energetic practices, and trauma-informed techniques to awaken your full spectrum of sexuality and inner power.

✓ Over 20 hours of video content
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ A Community of Transformative Kinksters (Deviants)



The Darketypes™ - LIVE
One time
For 4 months

Want to attend the videos LIVE? You know you're a exhibitionary kinda bish. This is for advanced players only! This is for those craving the in-depth experience. You will be featured on each of the videos and links to your business and social media will be attached to each video. Grow your brand visibility through vulnerability and be a live model of "doing the work". PLUS 2 months Domme on Demand WhatsApp Coaching Cuntainer ($1100 value) from 9/21 through 11/11

✓ Over 20 hours of video content
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ Live Group Coaching and 1:1 Domme on Demand with Liliana
✓ An intimate coven of 12 other kinksters to practice with
✓ The Shadow Playground - A resource library and community




Hi, I'm Liliana -

And, if you allow me, I’ll be your Mistress on this journey into the transformative world of kink.

My own exploration of kink began at the age of 18 while I was serving in the Marines. This ignited a passion in me to understand the psychological and emotional underpinnings of why kink excites and empowers so many people.

For over a decade, I've immersed myself in the study and practice of conscious kink - both personally and academically. My work is deeply informed by my training in psychology, trauma-informed practices, and holistic sexuality education. I've had the privilege of working with thousands of individuals and couples, holding space for them to safely explore their edges, unleash their authentic erotic selves, and experience profound growth and healing in the process.

I’m excited to help you do the same from the safety of your own home.

Through The Darketypes™, I share the insights and tools I've gathered over the years to help you tap into the transformative potential of conscious kink. Whether you are brand new to the world of kink or a seasoned explorer, my goal is to provide a framework for engaging with kink in a way that is consensual, self-aware, and ultimately liberating. So if you're ready to dive deep, confront your shadows, and emerge more integrated and empowered in your erotic truth - descend into The Darketypes™. Let's unleash this journey of self-discovery together, one kinky step at a time.

The Darketypes™ - Unleash Your Power with Kink

Unlock the depths of your sexuality and power through conscious kink. Join our transformative journey, dive into your shadows, and explore the dynamic interplay of dominance, submission, and more. Whether you're a curious couple, a creative businesswoman, or seeking to heal from trauma, this course is designed for you. Step into your full sexual potential—sign up today!

Retake this course?
Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.

Tits & Moanials:

Dr. Atilla Cidam, Intimacy Coach and Social Psychologist

“"I've also learned a great deal from Liliana about the profound power of kink containers, especially how spirit and the dark can be combined in the vehicle of these kink containers for profound transformation and healing. There's hardly anybody in the world that I can recommend more wholeheartedly.

"What it's like to be in magic with Liliana?... <moans intensely for 2 minutes>...It's getting hot already!..I feel like whenever I am in her field, she brings me to presence. Whatever is unsettled - not integrated in my system - she asks a question or prompt that elicits the most authentic, true response from me.

Like, radical, hardcore, aint-running-from-this shit truth. But, there's also this playfulness - this trickster energy - that allows me not to take myself too seriously. To embrace more of myself.

So, although she is hardcore & radical, I never feel judged. It's all about radical self-acceptance, surrendering to what is - the true way of the dark feminine - not trying to change it but consciously choosing when to be in it & when to not. For me, this is so empowering, because I would get stuck in patterns of judgement, '

I am trying to achieve X, trying to prove myself as this enlightened, tapped-in being, by XYZ.' And by being in this more playful, authentic exploration, I get to explore & try sh%t, say no, change my mind & turn shit on its head!

That's how I feel playing with Liliana! In every container, she's brings forth what I most need to see & to look at in myself. And then helps me to take risks, have fun doing it, step up to those edges, try things out & see how it feels. She's a bad@ss, she's a powerhouse!”

“The depth of what's possible in kink is not just about the level of pain that's inflicted, but it's really about deep, transformative work where we support each other in our soul path. Liliana has a really, really deep transmission on the utility of these kink containers that all of us really can learn from.”

"Liliana has a gift for sacred space-holding that I think is actually rare in the coaching world. Her expertise and skills are solid, but what is truly special is the way she is able to balance compassion with tough love, holding her clients accountable to their desires and authenticity. I appreciate a coach willing to tell you the hard truth, but allow the truth to transmit from the heart."

Course FAQ

  • "The Darketypes™ UNLEASHED" is a deep dive into understanding and integrating various aspects of one's dark erotic archetypes within the context of mysticism and transformative kink. It explores the roles and dynamics of dominance and submission, masochism, sadism, and other "darketypes" for personal growth and holistic integration.

  • Key topics include:

    • - The roles of dominance and submission

    • Masochism and Sadism

    • Consensual non-consent scenarios & how they play out in your life

    • Energetic aspects and embodiment practices - Integrating shadow aspects (bully, prostitute, saboteur, victim, etc.)

    • Boundaries, consent, and safe play

    • The impact of societal norms on sexuality

    • Systems of Oppression and Your Sexuality - How to break free

    • Mystical practices tied to sexual awakening

  • This course is an individual journey that supports personal awakening. The course offers tools and rituals for exploring and understanding various darketypes (which everyone has within), which can unlock new ways to communicate, set boundaries, and build intimacy. By embracing these dark aspects consciously, participants can transform their relationships and gain deeper fulfillment. But this course is intended to draw participants into their own personal journey of awakening, free from the influence of unconscious power dynamics or archetypal dramas.

  • The course provides a supportive environment for exploring one's erotic shadow aspects safely. It integrates therapeutic role play and dramatic storytelling to help participants with trauma or special sensory needs develop boundaries, physical skills, emotional regulation, and confidence. It emphasizes self-responsibility and consent throughout the learning journey. By engaging in the suggested activities, participants develop experience identifying and communicating their specific sensory needs and desires within a SAFE container.

  • No previous experience with kink or mysticism is necessary. The course is designed for both beginners and those with some experience. It offers a guided and supportive approach to exploring these practices.

  • Participants will have access to:

    • Video lectures and live streams with Liliana

    • Visualization exercises and energetic practices

    • Guided role-playing scenarios and exercises

    • Interactive Q&A sessions

    • Resources for further reading and practical application by other leaders in the field.

    • Access to a community for shared experiences and support

  • Absolutely! There are two options to sign up. If you are the type that tends to just watch the replays, sign up for the replay only option for $222 (2 payments of $111). You can ask questions within the group and Liliana will respond within 48 hours to any questions around content. If you are interested in participating in dedicated Q&A sessions during the live streams, receiving directed coaching in live time, including links for your website and social within the course, and a supportive community for sharing experiences and seeking advice - sign up for the LIVE option for $1111 (or 4 payments of $333) Participants who sign up for the LIVE OPTION are given direct WhatsApp access & can also reach out to Liliana for specific guidance.