The video that launched it all…

In August of 2021, The Darketypes™ was born shortly before presenting at Essence Festival Online. This is how it all begin.

For 3 years, I have journeyed with and embodied these 6 Darketypes™ of personality with dozens of coaching clients to uncover and unleash the hidden genius within.

Now, I bring this embodiment journey out of the 1-on-1 and into the big stage: community drama theater.

This is just a taste of how and what we will embody in this journey into the underworld.

Begin playing now, and rest assured…

Your Endarkening begins now.

The Brat

From Tiny Tyrant to Sexual Sovereign

The "Brat" darketype™ represents the dark feminine aspect of the maiden archetype, embodying a wild, rebellious, and untamed spirit. Embracing the Brat encourages individuals to honor personal desires, assert boundaries, and reclaim sexual innocence and sovereignty. The Brat helps in breaking free from societal expectations, fostering a playful yet empowered expression of self. Integrating this archetype can lead to greater self-awareness, confident boundary-setting, and an enhanced ability to communicate and fulfill personal needs and desires within relationships.

The Whore

From Prostitute to Courtesan

The Whore Darketype™ represents the unapologetic embrace of one's sexuality, desire, and the intersection of sex and money. It challenges societal taboos and helps individuals explore their boundaries and capacity to receive more. By integrating the Whore Darketype™, individuals can reflect and dismantle projections, expand their sexual and personal boundaries, embrace their fullest desires, and empower themselves through a deeper connection to their erotic nature.

The Sadist

From Bully to Superhero

The Sadist Darketype™ represents the aspect of deriving pleasure from the consensual infliction of pain and establishing strong emotional boundaries. Embracing the Sadist Darketype™ helps individuals unearth and work with their darker, intense desires healthily and responsibly. It fosters integrity, creativity, and authentic power by enabling clear boundary creation and an understanding of sacred violence. This integration can enhance one's ability to address and fulfill personal needs, leading to deeper self-awareness and empowerment.

The Masochist Darketype™ refers to an aspect of oneself that finds pleasure, growth, and healing through physical or emotional challenges, typically involving controlled intensity or pain. Embracing the Masochist can help individuals acknowledge deep-seated patterns, elevate self-awareness, and transform victimhood into inner strength and resilience. By integrating this darketype, people can break free from hurtful dynamics, establish healthier boundaries, and enhance their emotional and sexual fulfillment.

The Domme Darketype™ is a powerful and assertive archetype that embodies mastery over energy, creativity, and establishing safety. This dominant role leverages control and influence to create a secure environment, uphold strong self-worth, and ensure consensual interactions. The benefits of integrating the Domme Darketype™ include heightened confidence, empowerment, clear boundary-setting, and the ability to navigate and influence both personal and relational dynamics more effectively. Embracing this archetype can lead to greater self-mastery and the full expression of one's dominant energy.

This archetype embodies surrender, obedience, and vulnerability within shamanic kink. By embracing the Submissive, individuals can explore deep levels of trust and intimacy, learn to set strong personal boundaries, and transform past traumas by integrating their victimhood into a more empowered, advocate role. Benefits include enhanced communication skills, a greater understanding of personal desires and limits, and the ability to experience profound emotional and spiritual growth through conscious surrender.

The Masochist

From Martyr to Advocate

The Domme

From Control Freak to Hero

The Submissive

From Seeker to Devotee

Creating SAFE Cuntainers

Are you looking to start your play-based sexuality journey sooner rather than later? Check out this casual and informative class on how to create a SAFE cuntainer to explore your erotic nature.

Get a taste of The Masochist

Watch this interactive lecture-based video to get a taste of what you’ll learn and explore as you awaken your Darketypes™.

Notice what comes up for you as you watch this video.

If you are looking to play with The Darketypes™ with a trusted partner, please download the Care, Consent, & Boundaries worksheet to begin negotiating a SAFE scene.